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- Written by: Keith Mitchell
I was very happy to be appointed as The Captain of the Association at the Flintshire Captains and Past Captains Association at the Annual General Meeting which was held at Flint on 27th January 2025
I have been a proud member of this Association since 2005. It is my intention to support our members in all the events in 2025 and to help our excellent Executive Team in supporting our Association.
I wish to all those who supported me for their efforts and wish everyone a great year of Golf.
Boyd Williams.
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- Written by: Keith Mitchell
The Herbert Moore Memorial Trophy
Four Ball Better Ball Knockout Competition
RULES (Amended Jan 2024)
1 Format: 4Ball Better Ball Stableford played over 18 holes.
2. Maximum Handicap Index: 24.0. Play off Yellow Tees.
3. Handicap Allowance: 85% of Course Handicap
4. Draw: First named to be Home pair. It is responsibility of both pairs to try and make arrangements for the Match.
5. Closing Dates will be strictly adhered to. If a Match has not been completed or a concession agreed both pairs will be eliminated.
6. When a Match has been completed it is the responsibility of the Winning Pair to notify the Match Secretary of the result.
7. The Winning Pair will be the pair with the Highest Better Ball Total Stableford Points Score after 18 Holes. In the event of a tie a card play off will decide the result viz. Back 9, back 6, back 3 etc.
8. Any disputes to be referred to the Match Secretary whose decision will be deemed as final.
9. Any Green Fees charged should be divided between the pairs involved. Some Clubs have granted us Courtesy of the Course for any Matches played on their Course. Players should check with Clubs before their Match.
10. If a Player has to withdraw for reasons considered genuine he can be replaced providing his pairing has not played a match before his withdrawal. The Match Secretary must be informed of any proposed changes before the next match.
11. In the event of the partial closure of a Course because of adverse weather or Course conditions, teams concerned should agree BEFORE teeing off, the duration of their Match.
Suggested alternatives are-
(a) Play the number of holes that are open with the result being decided on completion of those holes.
(b) Play the number of holes that are open and then play extra holes that are open to make up the 18. These holes should be selected in card order irrespective of Stroke Index etc. and should be started at the first available and be played in the order on the card. Any shots received to be taken in the order they appear on the card.
12. In the event of a card play-off being required to decide the result this should be based on the last 9,6,3 etc actually played as normal procedure.
13. The Final will be played at a neutral venue. The first choice of venue will be at the home club of the Captain of the Association , subject to none of the finalists being members of that club. If any of the finalists are members of the Captain’s home club then the next choice of venue will be the home club of the President of the Association. Should this not be possible then the venue will be decided by the Match Secretary.
- Details
- Written by: Keith Mitchell
Flintshire Golf Captain and Past Captains Association
Player of the Year Trophy
.The Player of the Year Trophy was donated by Northop Golf Club in 2024, and along with Association are honoured in dedicating the Trophy in memory of Tony Godden who worked tirelessly over many years for the Association.
After careful thought and consideration the Player of the Year Trophy will be awarded to the player who has:
- Played in matches and competitions throughout the year.
- Supported the Association.
- Participated in Events
- Fair Play and Enthusiasm.
The currant Captain will decide who will be the recipient of the Tony Godden Trophy, but he will confer with The Vice captain, Match Secretary .The Treasurer and The secretary, prior to the decision.
The Tony Godden Trophy will be presented at the Associations AGM by the Captain in his year.
- Details
- Written by: Keith Mitchell
It is with deep regret that I have to inform the Association the passing of Frank Dodd Captain of Northop GC 1996.
Franks funeral is being held on Friday 21st February at Saughall Church at 11.00, followed by the Internment in Hawarden with refreshments at Northop GC at 12.30.
- Details
- Written by: Keith Mitchell
The Annual Dinner was held at The Stamford Gate Hotel , Holywell on Friday 4th October.
With great food, and flowing wine the evening was enjoyed by us all.
We were honoured to have Brian Hughes Captain of the Denbighshire Past Captains Society and has pleaded, that next years match against Denbighshire Past Captains Society that our Association win the match as the converting Bickley Wheel is making his house look untidy.
The Association Captain Glyn Lewis thanked the Association despite the wet weather we had experienced the fixtures were well supported especially on his Captains Day with over 60 players on his day at Rhuddlan.
Our guest speaker Dom Woodward a premier league comedian entertained us all with outstanding comedy, and audience participation for nearly an hour.
The Associations President Dale Milne thanked Dom for a fantastic, amusing , enjoyable and fun evening.